You know that old saying – there’s a lesson in every experience life gives you? Well, the same can definitely be said of every session, every shoot, every client interaction you have.

And it doesn’t matter how new or experienced you are, every single opportunity you have to work with a client, there will be something in that encounter that you can learn from and use to grow.

Here are my key learnings from each of my shoots and how I’ve used them to grow and make my services the best they can be.

Don’t underprice yourself

You know the saying, you get what you pay for? Well, the same can be said for how you price yourself. Charging next to nothing but giving all of yourself and your offering to those customers will ultimately attract clients who expect the world of you but don’t value anything from that experience. You know why?! Because you’re putting it out there that you’re worthless – that you don’t think your services or products are worthy of their hard earned money, and so, that’s exactly what they’ll think of you too. And unfortunately that usually means that they’ll treat you the exact same way.

The lesson from this?! Value yourself, value your services and remember, what you charge is not just for your time, but your experience and the knowledge you bring to the table.

Don’t say yes to every inquiry

Yep, you read that right. It’s so easy in the beginning to feel like you have to say YES to every.single.inquiry that you receive (we need that pay day, am I right?!). However, remember that just because you get an inquiry for a job, if it doesn’t resonate with you, doesn’t serve your brand message or makes you cringe at the thought of having to do it – say no. Believe me, there’ll be more where that came from and the right work, the right clients will find you when the time is right.

The lesson? Just because someone wants to hire you, doesn’t mean you have to say yes! The ball is in your court, not theirs.

Fake it till you become it

It’s ok if you don’t know what you’re doing 100% of the time! Most of us don’t, not all the time anyway. Even the Tony Robbins of the world are still learning new things, trying new ways of delivering their life changing advice to the masses and that’s ok! We’re all human after all. And whilst I deep down hate the above mentioned title, it’s meaning resonates. Life is a continual lesson, never stop learning, never stop trying. 

The lesson? Life is a continual journey to learn and grow and become. But remember to always be honest and relatable. It will resonate with your audience and will ultimately lead to building trust.

Ask for feedback

This is the one thing that is most important for growth, but done the least. Ask your clients for feedback! Yes, sometimes it may hurt but it will be the best thing for you to learn and grow from. Plus, it will lead you to having amazing testimonials that you can share across your platforms and website. We all know that word of mouth is everything, and having it in writing, direct from the source?! There’s nothing better than that!

The lesson? If you don’t know, you can’t fix it! Ask for real and honest feedback from those who have worked with you and if there’s something that doesn’t work or could make the experience of working with you better, take it on and make it work!

Are you looking for a epic 1:1 strategy call to uplevel your business? I’ve got a limited number of 1:1 calls available reach out at to express your interest. Let’s create some magic!